Wits Fitness and Wellness Centre
The Wits Fitness and Wellness Centre is currently closed until further notice. For more information contact: faith.mashile1@wits.ac.za
Scotts Gym
The Scotts Gym is located on Education Campus. If you would like to join the aerobics classes, simply register at the Wits Sport Admin building at Sturrock Park. Classes take place every Monday - Thursday from 17:00 - 18:00.
For more information contact: faith.mashile1@wits.ac.za
If you are looking for a great way to keep motivated, to make new friends and to establish a healthy routine, then the Wits Multi-Purpose Sports Hall "OMSH" gym is the perfect place to be. The gym is located on main campus, opposite the Matrix Centre. To register, simply visit the Wits Sport Admin building at Sturrock Park or Register online.
Kindly be informed that your gym membership gives you access to aerobics classes, hosted at Scott gym at the Education Campus.
Operating hours
- Monday - Fridays 07:00 - 21:00
- Saturdays - 08:00 - 13:00
Aerobics Classes
- Mondays - Thursdays
- Time: 17:00 - 18:00
Please note we are not open on Sundays and public holidays.
For more information contact: faith.mashile1@wits.ac.za